Sunday, March 11, 2012

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2008                                                                                                                  



Very often we do not question some practices that are in vogue for a long time. Only if we develop an approach of rethinking and action can we come out of the ruts in which we have placed ourselves. If we rethink, we will be surprised that we have been blindly following many practices and approaches only because no one has questioned these. The aim of this blog site is to question all such obsolete practices and approaches as well as to exchange and debate new and innovative ideas so as to reach a consensus for joint action for effecting healthy changes and for ensuring progress, peace and happiness for all.This site welcomes everyone to post their ideas (and articles they come across) about rethinking to come out of the rut and to comment on similar material posted by others so that a healthy debate comes up. Inviting your friends to join will help to widen the debate. Once a consensus is reached after the debate, please participate in the discussions about the goal and steps to be taken to implement the consensus as well as to take concerted action to achieve the goals.Actions based on rethinking are essential to have healthy changes, progress, peace and happiness for all.peace.


Terrorism has failed!!!


The attached article states that terrorism has failed. If you doubt this, please read it.

Para 1 shows that none of the possible aims of terrorists have been achieved.

The article also raises some other important points and suggests a multi-pronged strategy to wipe out terrorism, with emphasis on human approach for all round     
1. The aim of terrorists to create fear psychosis among people was a partial success only. Even in this, they werehelped by the imbalanced publicity which unwittingly attached higher value to the comparatively fewer lives lost from terrorist attack as against the much larger numbers lost because of floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, road accidents, collapsing structures etc. We have only to get rid of fear to put the final nail on the coffin of terrorism. Meanwhile, one can expect spurts in violence due to desperate acts when facts about their failures dawn upon the terrorists. [Para 1 (2) on page 2]
2. Ironically, the terrorists suffer more than their targets. While the terrorists have to hide or run for life, their supporters and the entire community to which they belong are under the needle of suspicion and face discriminationand many other problems every day, besides feeling constantly insecure. [Para 1(5) on page 3]

3. One approach is to improve intelligence by augmenting and overhauling the security agencies and organizing people to facilitate and support their efforts. [Para 3 on page 3]

4. While sufferings of the comparatively much fewer people who are victims of terrorism are splashed all over the media, sufferings of much larger numbers who are victims of suspicion are clouded in secrecy. This is an apt case ofcure being grossly worse than the disease. [Para 4 on page 4]

5. The present war against terrorism by even advanced countries has failed. Multi-pronged approaches, including a psychological "war", are needed to wipe out terrorism. [Paras 4 & 5 on page 4] Only a humanitarian approach can permanently banish terrorism and ensure all round peace. It has only winners – no losers - an importantrequirement for all round peace. [Para 2 on page 3]

6. A peace mission is necessary to counteract misinformation among aggrieved groups so that they withdraw their misguided support to terrorists. Fortunately, there are signs that communities are already waking up and reacting against terrorism. [Para 6 on page 5]

7. United Nations ought to declare an ANTI-TERRORISM DAY? [Para 7 on page 5]
For UN to declare an ANTI-TERRORISM DAY, lot of people have to lobby for it. You can help by forwarding copies of this note and the article to world leaders and all your contacts. This will also help to overcome the fear psychosis which serves no purpose at all.






Terrorists have been active all around the world for years. WHAT HAVE THEY ACHIEVED AFTER SO MANY YEARS? PRACTICALLY NOTHING! They are still struggling to achieve their aims, if they have any clear aims.

1. An objective analysis shows that the net results from any type of terrorism are:

(1) In all the affected places, without a single exception, life became normal after a brief temporary set back. These acts of violence have not at all prevented people from carrying out their normal activities. They continue toenjoy life, as usual. Moreover, such acts have not affected economic growth or destabilized governments.
(2) Another aim of terrorists was to create a fear psychosis among people. They have achieved temporary successin this because loss of life due to terrorist attacks had been followed by a much larger hue and cry than even much bigger losses due to calamities such as floods, earthquake, hurricanes, road accidents, collapsing of structures etc. Thoseattaching such differences to value of life have only unwittingly helped the terrorists in their aim to create fear. However, a closer look reveals that while terrorist attacks have only temporarily inflicted fear in the minds of people despite the imbalanced publicity, they have inflicted more prolonged fear among those dear to the terrorists themselves and even entire communities to which they belong. Unlike the latter which persists, fear in the public mind has invariably faded with time. Moreover, repeated inflictions of fear harden people and develop courage in them. For example, people who live in areas subjected to frequent wars or calamities have become mentally strong. They have realized that fear has not helped to solve the problem but has only worsened it. People have only toget rid of their fear to put the final nail on the coffin of terrorism. Meanwhile, when the terrorists are in the process of getting demoralized by realization of the failure of their aims, one can expect a spurt in violence as desperate acts even after shorter intervals.

(3) Neither have these attacks helped the poor or underprivileged people in whose name these were supposed to have been carried out or the estranged communities which suffer from constant insecurity.

(4) Mostly, only innocent people have died or suffered.

(5) The terrorists have only forced themselves to run for life or hide, away from their dear family and friends!WHAT A LIFE? Their morbid minds have become more morbid, angry and frustrated. Thus, it is an irony of fate that the terrorists themselves are indirect victims of their terrorist acts - not only those who are direct victims of such acts. Moreover, because of the few deranged persons involved in terrorism, entire communities to which they belong have come under the needle of suspicion and have to face discrimination and many other problems every day, besides constant feeling of insecurity. Yet, they are blind to all these realities because of hatred indoctrinated in them by vested interests that have only made use of them as pliable tools to suit their whims. Can these people with hatred and violence in their mind ever find happiness and peace? DEFINITELY NOT not! If these persons wake up and ask their leaders whether they can assure happiness and peace for them and their families, they will realize how badly they have been hoodwinked.


2. We have to repeatedly splash all these facts all over the world to overcome the fear sychosis among people in general and also to help the unhappy and misguided terrorists and their supporters to come out of the rut they have placed themselves in and join the main stream which continues to enjoy peaceful life. Creating awareness of this among these entangled human tools of terrorists will help them to become useful citizens and enjoy peaceful and happy life and also remove the slur on their community. This humanitarian approach to terrorists has only winners – no losers - an important requirement for all round peace.3. This does not mean that we do not have to take precautions. THET ARE A MUST. All intelligence agencies have to be overhauled in both quality and quantity. This involves lot of efforts on recruitment, training, procurement of gadgets of high technology (all three on a large scale) etc. and will take time. Meanwhile, they have to put in their best efforts with a sense of commitment to gathering intelligence. People in every locality should spontaneously come forward and organize themselves to facilitate and support their efforts, instead of shedding crocodile tears and leaving it to government alone. Tendency to spread rumours and hoax calls should be strictly avoided. There should be a sense of fearless alertness all around. Special intelligence agencies have to continuously seek help from the normal police and people after guiding them to be effective supporters, facilitators and baseline scanners so that the former can concentrate their attention on the more likely suspects. New comers to any locality should be watched by the local police and people as well as by the special security agencies (when needed), without infringing on their privacy. Anyone finding any suspicious looking articles lying around in public places should immediately report to thepolice. Hotels and other lodging places should be very alert to spot any suspicious activities of their clients, without infringing on their privacy.

4. A sad fact and a word of caution. Following 9/11, some countries had detained and interrogated thousands of suspects and even kept many of them in prison without trial. Definitely, real culprits formed only a negligible part and vast majorities of them were innocent and had suffered. They and their families had also faced humiliation. What is worse, while sufferings of comparatively much fewer people who are victims of terrorism aresplashed in headlines all over the media, sufferings of much larger numbers who are victims of suspicion areclouded in secrecy. This situation is an apt case of cure being grossly worse than the disease. Abundant caution with a humanitarian approach alone can save this unhappy situation.

5. Some powerful developed countries with easy access to high technology had declared a war on terrorism about seven years back. What have they achieved in seven years? VERY LITTLE! Terrorism continues unabated or has become even worse. Writing on the wall is loud and clear. This “war” needs to be strengthened by using other strategies also. A “psychological war” has the potential to defeat (or at least seriously curb) terrorism which grows mainly on indoctrination of innocent susceptible people. SPREADING THE FACTS HIGHLIGHTED ABOVE CAN BE OUR MOST POTENT WEAPON AGAINST TERRORISM. All security agencies ought to do this widely in a subtle manner. The media should take pains to chip in systematically in an organized manner with investigative stories which expose the sad plight of terrorists and their supporters. These efforts will help in gathering intelligence also because more people are likely to become co-operative. The resulting demoralization among active supporters and their indirect support base among people will make it easier to tackle the remaining isolated hard core terrorists.
6. Another potent weapon is to identify and educate the communities or special groups which have been indirectly supporting terrorists because the latter have successfully misinformed the former that they are sacrificing their lives for a cause near to the hearts of these “groups” also. These “groups” generally feel that they have been marginalized in their own country and terrorists cash in on this situation to successfully distort facts and mislead them to gain logistic support. For example, Muslim terrorists are distorting facts among the aggrieved Muslim communities and getting their support for killing people in the name of Allah. It is crucial to inform and motivate these communities to raise their voice against such anti-Islamic killings. This has become easier because some Muslim religious leaders in India have unequivocally spoken out that such killings are forbidden by Islam. A Dargah Committee with 30 mosques under its jurisdiction covering a vast area in Ullal (South India) has asked Muslims and mosque officials to report details of all newcomers and any suspicious activity in the area to the police. There are also places where both Hindus and Muslims worship side by side or even co-operate in their mutual rituals and help each other. Such pronouncements as well as glorious examples of communalharmony deserve high praise and encouragement on a global scale. All these will scoop the earth from under the feet of terrorists and make it difficult for them to continue with their dastardly acts. Similar actions have to be taken to counteract misinformation among other aggrieved “groups” also in order to dissuade them from supporting terrorism of any kind.

7. United Nations ought to declare an ANTI-TERRORISM DAY. Messages like those given above ought to besplashed all over the world in headlines of all media on that day. Flags with “TERRORISM HAS FAILED”should be displayed all over and people with such flags ought to join in processions, meetings etc. Street plays which carry messages can also be organized. While all such activities on this day should aim at removing fear from the public and to demoralizing the terrorists, these should strictly anavoid creating any feeling of animosity toor victimization of any groups. On the other hand, all these should convey an appeal with a humanitarian message of brotherly feeling and help to the misguided and unhappy persons who have been unfortunately dragged into inhuman activities. It is pertinent that most of them may be waiting to come out if forgiven and assured protection from their revengeful top leaders. Those who come out of this rut should be heartilywelcomed to join the global families living in peace and harmony, as one of them. Such acts of WISDOMand MERCY will help all of us to lead a peaceful life.
An ordinary man with human spirit
who wishes lasting happiness and peace for al

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